The political and socioeconomic situation in Equatorial Guinea was absent from the European political debate for over two decades, until Renew Europe led on a resolution (2023/2552) that was adopted with a support of 95% of the MEPs in February 2023. This Renew Europe Seminar, the second in less than 12 months, shows Renew’s firm commitment to the country. It will provide an opportunity for NEXOS, a new political platform uniting several opposition parties and leading civil society figures committed to the democratisation of the country to present their project. The event will also allow for a stocktaking exercise and a deepening of the debate on the socio-political situation in Equatorial Guinea.
16:30-16:40: Introductory remarks by Jordi Cañas MEP
16:40-17:30: First panel - NEXOS: moving towards a democratic future
Presentation and proposals of NEXOS-GE
Juan Carlos Ondo Angue, Chair of NEXOSFollowing up and implementing Resolution 2023/2552 of 16 February 2023
Donato Ndongo BiyoghoNEXOS’s role in the democratisation of Equatorial Guinea
Justo Bolekia BolekaRole of civil society and the international community in fostering democracy in Africa
Valeria Sinisi, Program Manager at Friedrich Naumann Foundation
17:30-17:40: Q&A
17:40-17:45: Remarks by Jordi Cañas MEP
17:45- 18:15: Second panel - The socio-political situation in Equatorial Guinea
Weja Chicampo Puye, Vicechair of NEXOS
Fausta Nse Ondo Mbasogo
Adébayo Oumar Salou
18:15-18:25: Q&A
18:25-18:30: Closing remarks by Jordi Cañas MEP